At 8am, Monday through Friday each week on the Hallmark Channel, The Golden Girls plays four back to back episodes. Coincidentally, three or four days a week, I’m on a treadmill at my local Globogym for an hour or so at 8am, usually watching The Golden Girls. Almost every episode is memorized. One of my favorites is Sick and Tired, Part 2. Dorothy is searching for an answer of why she feels so lethargic (a television first- breaching the subject of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and Blanche decides to become famous by leaving a legacy of “Everyman,” a book of her relationship with Every. Man.
Sleep deprived and loopy, she decides she should cut off her hair, since Van Gogh cut off his. Once corrected that it was an ear that went missing, she deflates, and observes, “I have too many earrings…” It’s a line- and a scene- that always made me giggle. But, I’ve never had too many earrings. Ever. Truth be told, I only have a few pair. One, a vintage set of gold flowers from my grandma, her diamond studs, and a small selection of Swarovski drops. Mixed in are a pair of formal blue and green clips, and a pair of sky blue tassels I’ve yet to have the guts to wear. Sadly, all of my jewelry fits into a single 2″x2″ square in my desk drawer.
Lately, though, my “normal” look seems to be shifting, my hair (and my roots!!) are growing out, and my overall wardrobe is leaning more towards a more polished aesthetic. While I don’t want to lose who I am in a pile of dresses, shoes, jewelry and STUFF, I do want to start adding in pieces that I feel like may be missing- a few more tailored dresses, comfortable work shoes (check) and Blanche’s favorite: earrings. On my list? See below:
** Jennifer Meyer Long Dome Earrings **
** Les Bonbons by Rebecca de Ravenel **
** Dior’s Double Pearls **