Friday afternoon, I signed the little house on Bellaire over to it’s new owners.
I’m lucky that the Buyers were looking for their first Airbnb investment; my little reimagined shotgun will remain exactly the same… They’ve purchased everything inside as well as the house, honored all of our upcoming reservations, and- perhaps best of all- have kept my relationship with Orange Court Management, meaning that the operation of this sweet house will remain exactly the same.
I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t emotional, Friday, to unchain the housekeys from my photo keychain of me and Dad, and to sign the deed over. I tried to detach myself from the house as much as possible, and have only been in once since we decided to list it, to remove my books, including a guest book, filled with sweet notes from our visitors. From couples in town for a quick doctor’s visit to a gentleman from Paris who wanted to spend a few days on the Bourbon trail, it was refreshing and overwhelming to read sweet notes that have piled up from those who shared with me the love of our little home, a love of the neighborhood, of grits at the Silver Dollar, and the chocolate chip cookie at Please and Thank You.
This adventure, friends, has come to an end, and to be honest, through I’m a teeny bit heartbroken, I’m looking forward to finding the next project (though, I have the feeling it may be our own basement), and excited to see our little house live on.
To all of the guests we’ve had, thank you. Thank you for seeing the love and effort that was here. Thank you for seeing the care that was put into picking wineglasses and throw blankets.
To the Garveys, my best of luck to you. May you love this little place as much as I have.
** photo via Dragonfly Visual **