I was fortunate enough last month to have a listing in the cute little town of Eminence, Kentucky. The Sellers are a wonderful young couple that also went to my alma matter, WKU, and the wife’s dad has been my go-to floor guy for several years. Their house is as darling as anyone would want- this may be why we had multiple offers. If you missed it, check it out here.
On my drives out there, depending on which way I go, I have the pleasure of passing through the downtown of the town next door, New Castle, pictured here.
The downtown area is just as cute as it can be, and on this particular day, with the whisky clouds in the sky and a slight Kentucky Spring chill in the air, it reminded me so much of my life growing up, on a farm, in a small town.
The thing is, I love city life. There’s an energy that wraps around me when we spend July and December in Chicago… everyone has a place to go, an errand to run, a PR to beat during their morning runs along the lake. It’s noisy, but white noisy, and I. Love. It. But….
I miss a small town. There was an old country store that my dad would venture to every morning for a sausage biscuit, a cup of black coffee, and the daily discussions of other farmers around the area who would do the same. I spent so many mornings of my life sitting on a giant bag of dog food, munching away on a biscuit and learning what someone was planning to do to correct their flooded garden. It was a quiet way of living, and of growing up.
I’m so grateful these clients came my way. I think that there are occasions when- sitting in my little corner office in heels, dealing with half million dollar homes- I need a reminder of what life was like where I came from. Quiet, peaceful, full of neighbors that want nothing more than a morning with you and a cup of strong coffee.

** photos by Don Lehman **