Over the last couple of months, my office has been in the process of a move. We were out of our old space on the 2nd of December, and as of today, still haven’t moved completely into our new (and fabulous!) space. For the last several weeks, then, my entire office has been crammed into my car and my bag.
Once we get fully moved into the new space, I’ll be able to reorganize my life, meaning my bag will get back to it’s normal self, and I found myself thinking about what that is- what do I need to toss, to get reorganized, buy more of, and what is it, exactly, that I keep with me on a normal basis.
Pictured above is the Caroline Leather Handbag from Mark and Graham. It’s actually my second- the first was lost in an unfortunate “latte-spilled-in-the-bag-without-me-knowing-before-a-long-vacation-and-there-was-no-way-to-clean-it” incident, but I loved it so much that I ordered another as soon as it was discovered that a couple weeks worth of airport parking garage-warmed sour milk wasn’t going anywhere. It also gave me the opportunity to update with my new initials post-marriage. There’s an insulated laptop sleeve in the middle, and plenty of creative storage inside.
Speaking of inside… My MacBook Air is always with me. I’ve been an Apple product convert since the Man talked me into my first iPhone 10 years ago. My MacBook is a 13″ from 2015. In another one of the flat sleeves inside, I keep my journal from Mark and Graham, also monogrammed. Mine is the camel color. I like having something to take notes on. While I can easily make a note on my iPhone, I just like jotting things down on paper. I’m one of those crazy people that only use one type of pen, so I always have one of the Zebra fine ballpoint pens with me. They’re skinny, super lightweight, and I buy them several at a time. I’m also a fan of the Pentel fine drafting pencils, and keep one in my bag as well as on my desk.
An admitted habitual hand washer, I always have to have some sort of hand cream on, otherwise my hands just crack open. I love Aveda’s Hand Relief, and keep a travel size in every bag (purse, gym bag, luggage…). However, there are times that I want my favorite fragrance to carry onto my hands, too, so Byredo’s Blanche Hand Cream accompanies the roll-on oil in my bag as well.
I’m not the best at wearing lipstick, but I do always have Chapstick (the OG in the black label) on and with me, as well as the Cap-D’Ail lip liner from Nars for when I need the tiniest bit of color. I also have Nars’ lipsticks in Dolce Vita and Rosecliff- both awesome nude shades that go with pretty much everything.
After finally starting to take good care of my skin, I’ve become hyper-conscious of my sunscreen use. While I apply every morning pre-makeup, I also keep a spray sunscreen in my bag to re-apply throughout the day.
Finally, I’m one to get carsick if I’m not driving, so I have Dramamine tucked in there, as well as some hidden cash. I’m a debit card girl, but you never know when you need to leave a a tip or pay in cash.
** this post is not sponsored in any way. all thoughts and opinions are my own **
** photo by Don Lehman **