A friend and I recently agreed that Thanksgiving was our favorite holiday; when you remove the stories of pilgrims and Natives from the history of it, you’re left with a holiday without pretense- simply coming together as friends and family to share a meal. There’s something wonderful about that.
This year, as we have for so many, Bryan and I are opening our home to any friends or family that want to pop in. There have been years that- for whatever reason- it’s just been B and I sharing the table, but there have been Thanksgivings where we’ve opened the door to 30-something people coming in with side dishes and bottles of Bourbon to share.
As I laid the table for however many arrive, I found myself thinking of this year. In so many ways, it didn’t go as planned… However, I’ve arrived at the last 5 weeks or so of 2024 armed with goals for next year, personal challenges for myself, and ready for whatever direction that my business and my personal hopes choose to take me. That readiness is something to be grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving, folks.